Are Vegan Cakes Healthy?

A vegan cake may be healthier for the environment and it may contain fewer saturated fats than a non-vegan cake, but itā€™s not a health food and shouldnā€™t be eaten too often. However, a slice of vegan cake is healthier than having two slices of vegan cake.

Is a vegan cake healthy? Never! While a vegan diet can be very healthy from some perspectives, it can also be just as unhealthy as any other diet. The key is always a balanced diet, which means donā€™t eat cake too often like me!

When Iā€™m asked if a vegan cake is healthy, I canā€™t help but blurt out ā€œitā€™s broccoli in disguise!ā€ To me, there is very little difference in asking if food is healthy; it all depends on the ingredients. Vegan cakes, like normal cakes, are an indulgence that contain relatively high amounts of sugar. While itā€™s true that our vegan cakes generally contain fewer saturated fats than our non-vegan cakes as they are eggless and dairy-free, they are still to be treated as an indulgenceā€”the very thing they are designed to be.

Vegan cakes are one example of unhealthy vegan foods, but there are many more that should be considered unhealthy:

French fries: Deep-fried and covered in salt, and often nowadays baked in nut oil, they are hardly healthy.

Crisps: Like French fries, it shouldnā€™t come as a massive surprise that they arenā€™t healthy. You may find healthier crisps than others, but Iā€™ve never encountered a bag to replace one of my five a day.

Packaged granola bars: A friend recently told me that he was eating one every day until he read the packetā€¦ packed full with sugar, more so than the average chocolate bar.

Are Raw Vegan Cakes Healthy?

In the article ā€œCan Vegans Eat Cakeā€ we defined different types of vegans, one such being a raw vegan. If you were to buy a raw vegan cake (which in my opinion bears no relation to a traditional cake), they are likely to be quite healthy unless there are hidden ingredients to make them cake-like. Recall the truth about the Trojan salads containing more calories than a burger! That said, there are vegan cheesecakes, aka raw vegan cakes, that appear to contain very similar amounts of sugar to a conventional vegan cake.

Do Vegan Cakes Contain Fewer Calories?

Again, it all depends on the ingredients used. Vegan cakes, like non-vegan cakes, use a mix of calorific ingredients that donā€™t help your daily calorie intake. There is a consensus among nutritionists that there is little difference in the calories between dairy and vegan dairy alternatives. For example, an equal amount of milk and soy milk have a difference of just 2 calories. If you search for low-calorie desserts or cakes, you will notice the majority of recipes report the calorie content based on a ridiculously small portion; in reality, most people would end up eating five or six portions. If you are trying to avoid additional calories but still want your slice of cake, you canā€™t have it, but you can take a smaller serving and feel just a bit better!

Ultimately, one shouldnā€™t ask if a certain group of food is healthy, like vegan cake, but establish whether or not it is healthy by examining the ingredients. If you read ā€œhealthy vegan cakeā€ on a recipe or a cake, I suggest being highly dubious. With all that said, if you are eating a slice of vegan cake on your birthday as a special treat while maintaining a balanced diet, Iā€™m quite sure you will survive!

View our Hero Vegan Cake Recipe
